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Alok Shandilya

👋 I am a python, django, flask developer and a machine learning enthusiast, who is passionate about solving complex problems with code. Always open for collaborations!

View My resume:

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  • Skills

    Linux Git Python Django HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript C++ Java Fast API MySQL Flask Docker MongoDB Bootstrap

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    • ChatCuisine

      | Python, FastAPI, MySQL, DialogFlow, BootStrap

      Developed an interactive food ordering platform using FastAPI and MySQL integrated with a DialogFlow chatbot for natural language user interactions, enabled users to place orders and track order status through conversational dialogues with chatbot, enhancing user experience and accessibility, implemented role-based login functionality, differentiating access levels for admin and user to ensure secure and appropriate access control.

      Source Code

      Deployment Link

    • Movie Rating/Review Web

      | HTML, CSS, Angular

      Developed an Angular front-end application for Movie Rating Application

      Source Code

      Deployment Link

    • Personal Portfolio Website

      | Python, Flask, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

      Developed a dynamic single-page portfolio using Flask, showcasing personal projects and educational background, Implemented secure RESTful APIs (/api/projects and /api/education) to manage and update portfolio content in real-time, leveraging MongoDB for seamless data storage and retrieval.

      Source Code

      Deployment Link

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